I love rock & roll so put another dime in the jukebox baby

Music, music, music. I love just about all of it. I'd say its a huge part of my life. I'm always discovering new tunes and going to shows. My friends know that if they're looking for some different music or want to go to a concert, they come to me. There's a plethora of good shows coming up this month and the next that I'm pumped for. One of which is the Barcelona and Low vs Diamond show in December. I've seen Barcelona play THREE other times, so I recommend everyone checking them out. My favorite small-venue show places are Caterina Winery, Empyrean Coffee House, and Calypsos.

I am often inspired by music. This is a guys tee I've painted that was influenced by music as well as a great friend- a guitar with music note going into piano keys at the top, accompanied by angel wings. I didn't want this to look... "perfect", so I've left the imperfections. I'm happy with the result.

The only guys clothing I do is painted tees, maybe with some light stitching, the majority of which are done for friends. I really enjoy doing them, they're so unique to the guys' personalities and interests, they really are one of a kind!

Enjoy today. I dare you all to do something CRAZY. But not too crazy. Maybe jump out behind a wall or bush and scare your siblings or roommates. Or play a prank on someone. Do it. I dare you.

Peace outski.


The Only One said...

I am unaware of who this shirt is for, but I do love the great detail put into it. I'm not a fan of many white tee shirts, but this one stands out as something much more.

Anonymous said...

I never knew you were a painter too! Amazing work, oh one of many talents :)